

Stage Name: DJ Tenashar
Real Name: Debbie Valerie Long
Height: 168 cm
Weight: 48 kg
Measurements: 34 24 33
Date of Birth / Birthday: Not sure
Age: Not sure

About: Debbie Valerie Long or better known by her stage name asDJ Tenashar was born and brought up in Singapore by a Eurasian fatherand a Chinese mother, but has lived most of their years in Spain andEurope. Tenashar's Eurasian heritage is that of Spanish and Chinese.After spending most of her early modelling and DJing days in Europe(Spain, Ibiza, Italy).

Tenashar's talents extends beyond the realm of modelling, but also tophotography, disk-jockeying and entrepreneurship. Tenashar was alsoonce a broker in the financial world of Singapore but she gave up thiscareer to follow her passion for photography and modeling eventually.

As a model embedded with a European mindset, she hopes to work withmore photographers and artists in her pursuit of creating more photosthat would transcend the boundaries of conventional modeling. Whereothers might see modeling as a means, Tenashar sees beyond that, wherewhat she does is an art form.

Q & A:
How do you feel being the perfect Asian beauty of every Guys sexual fantasy?
I feel great, and I feel every girl should feel that way, because nothing turns a guy on more than a girl oozing of confidence.

What has a man done, that has talked you out of your dress?
"Ma'am your dress makes you look pale, here's one I recommend...changing room's that away."

You were in the drivers seat and suddenly a pair of strong handsattached to a sizzling hot body started working its way up your skirt.What happens next?
If it was a guy I was seeing, I'd jam on the brakes and passionatelystart making out with him, but if it wasn't a guy I was seeing, thenI'd jam on the brakes and run far far away hahaha.

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